Friday, February 12, 2010


An SMS received recently (in response to my suggestion of scheduling a meeting the next day)

“Tomorrow is bad dysfunctional Shruti. I will be occupied with a client from Singapore..”

Clearly, the lack of punctuation marks leaves a lot to interpretation and imagination. Especially with regard to the usage of words “bad” and “dysfunctional” – I wondered whether these adjectives were used to describe tomorrow or Shruti.

I figured the following possible intended messages:

“Tomorrow is, bad dysfunctional Shruti…**a description of his plans of the morrow, having established the fact that Shruti is bad and dysfunctional**”

“Tomorrow is bad, dysfunctional Shruti… **an explanation to the very dysfunctional shruti, as to why the morrow is bad for a meeting**”

Of course, in heart of hearts, I’d like to think, it was tomorrow that was being berated as bad and dysfunctional (Tomorrow is bad, dysfunctional, Shruti). But, *Sigh* knowing the sender, and knowing his knowledge of me, can I cross my heart on that? ;)

1 comment:

  1. Though the first sentence is not making much sense but the second one is, in words and in spirit :P
    Get well asap.
