Friday, March 26, 2010

Goodbyes. And Nightmares-come-true.

Updates: March 26

So obviously, this post is twin-themed. Reminds me of the similarly jumbled up stuff I had written last year (‘Of Goa, Ethics and MTNL’- people had a hard time imagining why I had put the three together- well, there was no connecting theme really. Those were all the updates then, compiled together!)

About the “Goodbyes”. Well, too many people leaving. Okay, maybe not too many. But I am just not used to people quitting jobs in a place I work. Can you blame me? This is my first job.
Today, two people quit again. One of them – well, I felt sad about news of his resignation. I was told that XYZ had put in his papers. But it was only when I saw his photograph in his green form that I realized that XYZ was someone I had observed somewhat during a recent cultural event. He was a decent, positive kind of presence. And I was disappointed. Only slightly though.

The other one was a young lady, whom I have not known intimately, but have had a few good conversations with her. And she was one good positive presence around. Someone who added the kind of culture and color to the little place, that it desperately needed and would otherwise sorely lack. And now, she’s gone :-( I am not sure how to explain this. I mean, I wouldn’t have minded if we continued to work, in neighbouring cubicles, without exchanging more than polite smiles occasionally – for weeks together. That was good enough. Just the knowledge that some ‘good’ people you kind of share a mental plane with, are around, can be so comforting.

Today, when she was bidding her goodbyes, I wanted her to stay. And we were not even ‘friends’- or even special acquaintances. We just knew each other cordially. And I did not want her to go! I wanted to give her something- some souvenir or token kinds- not sure why. Maybe just as an acknowledgement that her positive presence was appreciated. And maybe a “god bless/ All the best” kinds? I had nothing to give away of course. I scanned my office life helplessly, and suddenly discovered a small Sai Baba statue on my desk. (had once purchased it from a small kid at a traffic signal- only coz he did seem in a desperate need to sell it off. I had decided that if nothing, I could put it on my office desk- as an object of positive energy.) Instinctively, I realized that this was the moment it had actually been purchased for. What better token for a “goodbye/ godbless” kinda message? Delighted, I just picked it and handed it over to her. She was slightly taken aback I guess. (she always seemed to feel disappointed in my low social skills with cubicle neighbors such as herself, compared to the livelier previous occupant of my seat. ) But she did promise me that she will put it up on her desk in the new job. And she sounded like she meant it. :-)

Anyway, the nightmare now. about this really, really sad (disappointing/ un-appetizing/ call it what you will) discovery I made last night. Oh, add spooky to the list of adjectives there.

Ritu, you will remember this!! Back in grade 11/12, one day, I had a weird dream. And I told Ritu about it over phone the next day. This is how the dream went (still remember it vividly) I was sitting in a study/ personal library kinds. And not just “a” library mind you, a friend’s library; Neeta Spoony’s, of all people!! A library is the perhaps the last thing she would want to invest in (even in my dreams!) :P How did I know that it was her library? Well, I just knew… I knew that fact as I sat reading a book. This was a fat, red book, and here was what was happening (tears of pain/ anguish flow). I was reading the contents of Harry Potter (verbatim!) in a red book written years and years before JKR!! And as I read it (pain gnawing deeper in my heart), all that I could think of was.. “OMG .. she copied it from here.. how could she …how could she…” .. the hurt/ anger became unbearable as I read more and more ( the red book seemed to read like the Goblet of Fire – itself a reddish, fat Harry Potter. That was the thickest book in the series, by then) And then, the dream dissolved somehow, and I woke up to a beautiful reality the next morning, where my beloved JKR was not a plagiarist. The nightmare had ended. How stupid! I told myself, as I laughed sheepishly, and heaved a sigh of relief. I then shared the story with Ritu over phone (laughing over the weirdness of the theme my mind had concocted).

That was some six years back.

10:30 p.m last night. I was reading Lord of The Rings. Finally purchased it the other day, as from Meghna’s description of stuff from in there, it did seem to have a lot of HP like content that might go well with me ( and I know for a fact that movies – no matter how well made, can never do justice to the books). For days, my heart has been filled with hope and delight, as I looked at the shining, blood red fat book on my table – with anticipation of the treat that those unexplored pages held in store. It was like a godsend: almost another unread HP – what more could have I asked for!
BUT, as I read more pages last night… I grew steadily uncomfortable as I turned each page.
First, the concept of the powerful ring. Its nature, qualities etc- so strongly reminiscent of the ugly, powerful horcruxes – and the ring that kills Dumbledore!
Then, the talk of the ugly negative power that is rising again, not fully dead and (horror of horrors!), the villain being called the “Dark Lord”, who is trying to resurrect himself. And someone’s gotta stop him. Someone old and wise taking educated guesses at the whats and hows of this Dark Lord.
I mean.. COMMMEEEON!!!! Not to mention the Elvish language (I is doings whatever you says kinds).
My heart skipped beats as the similarities grew too much for comfort. Wondering for a crazy second, I was thinking, has no one else read these two books?! Could no one else tell the similarities! Has JKR ever acknowledged ‘inspiration’ from the works of J.R.R Tolkien?!! I then did what every mortal of today– idiot or intellectual, does best: I googled it up. I keyed in the following, with shivering fingers, “is harry potter inspired by lord of the rings”. And Lo! And behold. Apparently, everywhere on the internet, even on the Mecca of HP fanatics –, the similarities have been discussed and debated in greatest detail. Fans point it out as mere ‘similarities’, which they don’t fret too much about. Whereas, JKR bashers accuse her to be a plagiarist with double standards: being so particular about protecting her own intellectual property rights over everything HP, but having shamelessly ‘lifted’ concepts from here and there herself- without acknowledgment of the ‘inspiration’. (it hurts even to type this opinion as academically as possible!). Reminds me of that fateful night in Kota (during my initial induction days) when I had seen the JKR – plagiarism controversy bit on news: the claim that she had lifted heavily from Wily The Wizard by Adrian Jacobs. I remember almost running out of talktime on my cell, discussing the heartbreaking controversy with Arps. The controversy died, didn’t it? JKR *is* no ordinary writer, it seems. The lady is much more smart and clear headed than a layman would imagine the creator of a ‘kids’ fiction nove’ to be!

Anyway, the bottomline being: the issue of LOTR and H.P is already well- known and debated in the public space. Theories hold while there are definite parallels- it seems that the concept of sorcery and other creatures etc has been abundantly explored in literature- leading to the evolution of certain common concepts, which have been used, time and again by different authors. Hence, in a way, anyone can be said to have lifted from someone else. I am not sure if that’s a clean moral chit for JKR. I just want to hope that it is. Reminded me of that 17 year old Indian writer girl in U.S- who wrote the much famous (and later, infamous) book, How Opal Mehta Got Drunk, Got Wild and Got a Life. How a much hyped and publicized accusation of plagiarism ruined the career of a promising young writer.

But these controversies donot impact the big fish much. And JKR is a big fish alright. A good fish too though :)
Okay, I guess all ideas we come across in life inspire us somehow or the other. Besides, JKR’s work is too good. Many of us owe a lot of beautiful memories of our growing years to her. And nothing can take that away.
(*small voice in head*… though I do wish she will acknowledge all that there is to acknowledge with respect to her inspirations! )

Anywho, this incident of a dream-coming-true nature did excite me a little bit. I do have some untapped supernatural powers. Ha! :D

Will get back to LOTR now.



  1. Good to hear from you after a long long time :)
    Your post has two parts:
    Part-1: The disengagement.
    I am sure I can add some of my experience now to this, rather I can boast of having a good deal of experience in disengaging employees in my organization and some of them were really good ones. My department itself has seen 11 ppl going to other org. The latest one is a real good colleague of mine. Initially I thought about it but later go used to it. I assure myself that the person- As Narayan Murthy says "Love your job not your company",, must be thinking this only all this while and that he/she is now moving ahead for their good and for their family etc. Its a good feeling as I think about it now. Looking at people moving ahead in life and making a life out of life. Its truly wonderful to think. I will also do the same one day and many others will think about me when I will move on. But then its the trend of life and if I have to achieve something then I must move on...

    Part-2 The Plagiarism

    Cant comment much on that, coz HP and JKR had never been my territory. Reading is one thing for me but you are a really good reader and I stand no where when it comes to your reading habits. I can only say one thing, as far as I know JKR and HP had been a part of your life now, dont think of questioning its validity. It can not be separated from you. Youve grown with it (as youve said). And I think that in the end its the content which you finally read, which was presented to you. Originality is difficult to maintain when there can be two minds who might think and write on similar patterns. And for information basis, ive read the Opal Mehta book, I guess its the only one left now coz its not available in the market :) nd let me tell you it was a pleasure to read her work, though it was claimed to have been picked from some other book. You never know who tried to do a publicity stunt in degrading the writing career/profile of a person.
    Keep writing!!

  2. Oh come on! HP is not Lord of the Rings! The books are different. Both belong to the same genre though. So there have to be some similarities. Maybe JKR had read it as a child and some influence stayed.
    And talking about similarities, even the myths of ancients worlds are similar. Greek myths, Indian epics, Nordic myths all revolve around similar themes and stories. That does not make one original and other fake.
    Besides even if JKR plagiarised, thank God for that! LOTR is boring!!!
