Counting the days gone by…
Thinking of days to come…
Knowing not what lies ahead,
Or if what went by was some.
No shepherd goes by humming the songs,
In the road outside the door,
A soul sits rhythm-less; and longs,
For what was. And for more?
Black and White was easy once;
Right was distinct from Left.
A straight line. And round it runs-
The mind, of thought’s, bereft.
Not every tale belongs in a Book,
That asks a certain plot;
That begins with a certain page, a nook,
And ends on a certain thought.
Not each begins ‘Once upon a time’;
Or ends in ‘…everafter’,
Some are simply, crystals sublime,
Of tears, of fears, of laughter.
The pen that writes this verse,
Does not bemoan the tale.
Or why it has the pages it does;
For it could never fail.
The words are strung together right,
Dramatis personae do their part;
The tale’s fair, a pretty sight-
For the mind, the soul, the heart. .
Someday, sometime down the lane,
The pen shall write another sheet;
In scented ink, and dipped in pain,
The last chapter – just as sweet.
Whatever *Sigh*
God Bless
Those were in fact very heavy lines. Not because they are difficult to interpret (in fact unlike other school time poems the meaning of ur poem is crystal clear).
ReplyDeleteEvery time i am reading it, the rhyming is getting more and more interesting. Nice work of art, I have normally not seen any poem of this kind coming out of ur pen.
Would not like to comment much on the poem directly, coz my interpretation might differ from yours but I m sure it wud be atleast 98% correct :)...
The last stanza is very thought provoking and I also liked the way youve used the words in the stanza-"Not every tale belongs in a Book.."
Some thing noticed long back but mentioning it now, u r not a teapot nw. Why?
An important saying: "Live in the present, awaiting the future, to make past a beautiful moment to remember"-Sumeet ;)
Truly speaking I find it difficult to practice than to preach :D
--Okies so,, now I can have a sound sleep...ur comments awaited :)
Keep posting! and never stop smiling!
I dunno abt the reader's perspective, but the experience of writing this piece was strongly reminiscent ( in a very feel-good kind of way) of writing the Blank Verse ( - though that one was way better and closer to my heart :D I have written verses like this before ( e.g, Of Ratpacks, Wolpacks and Slapsticks/ Little George?- on my first ever blog) :) I guess they just used language that was more cryptic and this one is in a format that's legible to people other than the writer. All of these have an element of imagination/ fiction - not in the sense of a story, but in the sense of the thoughts expressed. I don't think I can explain this well here. There is a certain quality of literature in my opinion, that perhaps only I can understand - it seems- for now :P !
ReplyDeleteAbout The Teapot bit, well, even I dunno what this means. But earlier, I *did* feel like those lines were coming from me. I can't relate with them now. Nothing to say that I was better off/ worse off when I was the teapot, but just that I am not that anymore :) I guess, stages of life?
:-O - what abt this past, present future wala point tho? I am not clear how it relates to this post? Or does it not?!
As always, thanks for reading this space
Okay.. Finally.. have found the box to be commenting in.. :D my technical ineptitude is funny if not heart wrenchingly stupid!!
ReplyDeleteSo, i do agree with Sumeet. The verse about "Not every tale belongs in a Book.." is brilliant. Its one of those lines, which the reader can immediately relate to, thinking yes i know.. and which makes the reader- or at least me- go back and think, then why could i not have penned it if it feels so OBVIOUS!!
And thats the beauty of it.
Well done, again would have understood it better had there been a context attached to it. But if it is sans one, it makes it even better!
Kudos, great job (i am too sweet to comment otherwise :D )
Keep doing what you are doing, cos its working!!
@ You (seriously..whaa!.. u got a name right.. stop being so pretentious :P!)..
ReplyDeleteYeah..yeah.. thanks a lot for dropping by and putting in ur (un)solicited two cents ...
'Keep doing what you are doing, cos its working!!'
really? what is 'it'? I neeed to know! in order to be able to continue to do it :P
Cheerios :)
Me (too)
Listen, copy cat.. (me too- so intelligent)
ReplyDeletei write me, cos its the begining two alphabets of my name.. cant help it.. the name is MEghna.. and there is a ME in tEaM also.. sorry.. i tend to blabber...
Anyhow.. IT is whatever that gets you to write good stuff, IT is the itch that you get when you havnt written for a while, IT is being sans context, IT is also our I-T prof!! :D
Yannnnyway.. :D TC, miss originality.
Oooh, hehe ... I never knew that logic behind the "ME" u often used. I thought u were just being ur self-obsessed self :P
ReplyDeleteooh, now I GET IT!! IT is also our I-T prof, yeah.. *reminisces fondly* .. Wonder WHAT THAT is doing these days :D :D
TC Me!! (erm.. here the 'me' is you :D) ..
ReplyDelete:) the past present future wala thing is writer's perspective, its meaning and its aptness to the post is totally on the interpretation of the reader :)...
Buck up "Me" nd keep fighting :D! lol!